Tuesday, August 24, 2010

moved into the ghetto, mussolini cried, tony abott died


my computer is starting to look like life, the wallpaper is a tiger with down syndrome, real chromosone 21 down syndrome in a tiger.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

and then jesus kissed santas beard

been keeping really busy getting ready for this show with shida, alot of sculpture and installation stuff, saints, gods, dogs and hot box food. its going to be at the old nine lives gallery, super excited to get back north and see some sun. realling into the title for the exhibition, me and shidas man mang Caravaggio used to tag it around italy in the 1500's while out beating up other painters. 'without hope, without fear'. baroque graffiti artist.

Friday, August 13, 2010

tomorrow ey

so i went down to tasmania for an art show with cougar flashy, had a hilarious time, heres some travel fliks hanging with my tasmaniac buddies, surfing in winter at the bum end of the world, drinking to much home brew and bombing ye old hobart. also a coule of pictures from the show that just ended at thousand pound bend in melbourne, thanks a bunch to all of those guys aswell, specially jared o'sulivan, dope photographer, have a look at his blog, heaps of good stuff.


hobart, norway

cougar and lashna at six a gallery

convict pits

heres a portrait i did of my good buddy joey g a while ago, he lives in tassie and makes good art and is in some bands, phat meegs.
thousand pound bend