Sunday, June 20, 2010

hardest geometry problem in the ewniverse

really excited to put this flyer up, its for a group show on the second in a magic abandoned.
look at the flyer, heaps of killer artists, going to be best show this year, sorry to other people with shows on, but its true, this shit rules it! its a secret show, tell all of your friends and family

so its on the 2nd july, cant really go to the spot in drips or drabs, so going to meet in a park right near it at midday, going to be a bbq, tofu, lsd punch optional. going to walk to the spot at 12:20 so dont be late. heres a map to the palk, its not on the map, but its there marked as B, its about a two minute walk from taringa traino.

heres a bunch of photos thatd id normally miss but i got. fancy man fancy phone, pants.

yeah the em es ge, for all those in the know, the flavor!

and below is some tattoos did with a mate and his younger bro, bruv love butt tatts.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

dharma punx

painting from one way festival at gc yesterday,
hopefully get a bettter picture later, big wall...
thanks a squillion to the queen of making stuff happen visual arts queensland, mariam ella arcillia. really lovely woman who curated the lightmares show last month and organised this huge wall for us on the weekend, claudio sam smith mymo and kitty horton painted yesterday swell, if i can scan a video from the day ill put it up, sure it exists.